Our dentist and dental team strive to help you keep your smile healthy for life. Certain conditions, however, may make the removal of a tooth, or tooth extraction, the best possible treatment option for your smile. Dr. Avi Mizrachi may recommend tooth extraction in Westminster, Maryland, if:

  • There are too many teeth to properly fit in your smile, resulting in crowding
  • A tooth is so badly decayed or damaged that a successful restoration is impossible
  • Serious infection has destroyed a large portion of the tooth and surrounding bone structure

Tooth extraction may also be needed for a primary tooth (baby tooth) that is not falling out as usual and is blocking the way for an erupting permanent tooth. Whatever the reason for the tooth extraction, our gentle dental team will make certain that your treatment is as comfortable as possible. Following the extraction procedure, Dr. Avi Mizrachi will provide you with detailed instructions so you can take care of your smile as it heals. We also provide a number of tooth replacement options at Mizrachi Dental Care, including dental implants and mini implants, to replace your teeth after extraction if needed. For more information, we invite you to call 410-848-5700 or visit us today.

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